Our Mission

Our mission is to strengthen the system of individuals and organizations caring for and educating children ages birth to five. By doing so, we hope to ensure that all children are emotionally, intellectually, and physically ready to succeed when they enter kindergarten.

hands holding a plant

Our Strategies

At the most fundamental level, we bring public and private leaders together at the local level to collaborate on early childhood priorities. We also pursue funding opportunities that will enable us to advance these same priorities. Before taking action or rolling programs out to the community, we conduct evaluations and perform research to ensure our activities are data-driven and that the impact of our initiatives is measured whenever possible.

Ready Region Southside

We are proud to be the lead organization for Ready Region Southside. We are part of a statewide network focused on:
Strengthening Quality

We ensure all components are in place to coordinate quality measurement and guide improvement in publicly funded classrooms as part of VQB5.

Building Relationships

We engage with leaders across the region to facilitate buy-in for shared accountability and benefit.

Increasing Access

We build and strengthen better processes to help parents learn about and access early childhood education programs in their community while connecting childcare providers with families.

Engaging Families

We establish and strengthen strategies and structures to ensure family engagement.

Learn More

Learn more about Center for Early's Success's role as the Ready Region Southside.

children holding books

We Improve Access to Resources, Including Childcare

The first five years of a child’s life are critical to development, and we believe that every family should have access to the support they need to help their little ones thrive. We work to remove barriers to service parents may face, such as early detection of delays or access to pediatric specialists.

One of the biggest challenges families in our region face is finding quality childcare. We work with childcare providers to improve care while simultaneously assisting families in locating a service that will work for them. We understand that trusting anyone to care for their child is a huge ask — we’re here to make that choice a little bit easier by bringing together children, their families, and childcare professionals.

We Offer Free Training and Fund Ongoing Learning

We strengthen the quality of childcare provided by conducting or facilitating free, high-quality training and certification courses for childcare providers on days and times that meet their needs. We aim to host at least one event per month across our service area that are free to attend and rich with evidence-based learning to help childcare providers develop their professional skills. Outside of trainings, we regularly distribute ongoing educational materials completely free of charge — you can sign up to receive these materials here.

children with two adults in a daycare

Virginia Infant & Toddler Specialist Network

babies sitting on the floor in diapers

The Virginia Infant and Toddler Specialist Network (ITSN) regional grant provides training, technical assistance, and coaching for childcare professionals serving the ages of birth to 36 months.

Our ITSN team includes the only Behavior Consultant in the region, providing hands-on assistance for childcare providers, parents, and children. Infant & Toddler Behavior Consultation is a collaborative effort and a strengths-based approach to promote optimal social, emotional, and behavioral health for all infants and toddlers.

Our full-time Infant and Toddler Specialists work side by side with childcare teachers and directors to develop a Quality Improvement Plan that meets each childcare program’s individual needs and builds on each provider’s strengths.

To learn more about these services, call (434) 797-8887 or visit the ITSN website.