About Quality Childcare
Choosing a quality child care provider is one of the most important decisions a family can make! Research tells us that:
Quality preschool options are available for your child! Whether you’re looking for free, subsidized, or private options; full-time or part-time, school-year or year-round care, there’s likely an option that meets your needs.
The brochures below are designed to help you quickly and easily identify the best option for you. Select the brochure for the county where you live. If there’s no brochure for your county, send an email to info@centerforearlysuccess.org and let us know you’d like one prepared!
Brochure Download:
Quality Preschool Options
for Your Young Child
Choose Your Location:
Amelia County
Brunswick County
Charlotte County
Cumberland & Prince Edward Counties
Danville & Pittsylvania County
Halifax County
Lunenburg County
Mecklenburg County
Nottoway County
What should I consider when choosing childcare?
Before enrolling a child in a child care center, take a moment to make an unannounced visit. Take along our easy-to-use Quality Care Checklist to help answer any questions you might have.