Why Quality Childcare Matters
What Should I Consider When Choosing Childcare?
Program Options for Child Care
Quality preschool options are available for your child! Whether you’re looking for free, subsidized, or private options; full-time or part-time, school-year or year-round care, there’s likely an option that meets your needs.
For more information on how to find childcare options near you, visit our Interactive Map!
Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI): Provides preschool education to children that have been identified as at-risk.
- Local public schools
- Licensed child care centers
- Family day homes
Ages Served/Eligibility
- Children aged 3- and 4 years old
- Family income below 200% FPL
- Experiencing Homelessness
- Parents did not complete High School
- Student with a disability
- Other local level eligibility criteria
Parent payment required?
- No
- School day/year (typically August/September-May/June)
Where to Apply
- Local school division
Mixed Delivery (MD): Allows families to select a publicly funded private ECCE program that meets their child's needs and preferences.
- Licensed child care centers
- Family day homes
Ages Served/Eligibility
- Children aged birth – 5 years old, not yet in Kindergarten
- Family income below 200% FPL
- Experiencing Homelessness
- Parents did not complete High School
- Student with a disability
- Other local level eligibility criteria
Parent payment required?
- Yes, for families with incomes > 100% FPL
- Full-day (typically M-F), full-year
Where to Apply
- Mixed Delivery provider
Early Head Start (EHS) / Head Start (HS): Provides services to promote academic, social and emotional development to low-income families.
- Local public schools
- Licensed child care centers
- Family day homes
- Home-based
Ages Served/Eligibility
- Children aged birth to 35 months – Early Head Start.
- Children aged 3- and 4-years old – Head Start
- Under 130% FPL
- Selection criteria to identify students with a disability
Parent payment required?
- No
- Varies by recipient agency
Where to Apply
- Early Head Start + Head Start provider
Child Care Subsidy Program (CCSP): Assists families in paying for child care service and provides a safe and healthy learning environment by demonstrating compliance with regulations.
- Licensed and license-exempt child care centers
- Family day homes
Ages Served/Eligibility
- For families with children aged 6 weeks through 5 years old, not yet in Kindergarten, <85% of the state median income
- Parents or guardians must be working, looking for work, or in school or job training
- Afterschool options for children in Kindergarten through 12 year old.
Parent payment required?
- Yes, for families with incomes > 100% FPL
- Based on parent/caregiver work or program schedule
Where to Apply
- Online or at the local department of social services
Child Care Non-Subsidy Program: Provides a safe and healthy learning environment by demonstrating compliance with regulations.
- Licensed, license-exempt, and voluntarily registered child care centers
- Family day homes
Ages Served/Eligibility
- For families with children aged 6 weeks through 5 years old, not yet in Kindergarten
- Afterschool options for children in Kindergarten through 12 year old.
Parent payment required?
- Yes, 100% tuition costs, rate set by provider
- Based on parent/caregiver work or program schedule
Where to Apply
- Online or at the local department of social services
What Programs Do I Qualify For?
If you are not sure what options you qualify for, call our Coordinated Enrollment Toll free number for more information. A member of our team is available to take your call and will complete a preliminary eligibility check to determine available care options for your family and connect you to appropriate resources.
1-833-PRE-K-NOW or (1-833-773-5669)