The Center for Early Success, formerly known as Smart Beginnings Danville Pittsylvania, began as a community partnership with leadership and support provided by the Virginia Early Childhood Foundation and United Way Danville-Pittsylvania County.
In 2010, the Danville Regional Foundation awarded a five-year grant of over $5.4 million for the Center for Early Success to dramatically expand the region’s commitment to school readiness for thousands of young children. Learn more here.
In 2022, Smart Beginnings Danville Pittsylvania rebranded to the Center for Early Success to reflect our expanded reach across 3 cities and 14 counties in Southside Virginia and our commitment to being at the center of positive growth in the early childhood education arena. However, we continue to uphold the commitment long embraced by Smart Beginnings to bring public and private leaders together on the ground at the local level to collaborate on early childhood priorities. Building on 10 years of dedication to school readiness, we are poised to coordinate and collaborate on early childhood priorities that nurture our youngest learners and future leaders.