VQB5 Participants

Virginia’s early childhood system must ensure that all children have quality teaching and learning experiences that meet their unique needs. To do this, Virginia has developed the Unified Virginia Quality Birth to Five System (VQB5) which recognizes the impact of every classroom, provides feedback to every educator, and supports all publicly funded birth-to-five programs to improve.

image explaining the cycle of preparing, measuring, providing feedback, support, and reflection


VQB5 is a measurement and improvement system that focuses on the quality of all publicly-funded birth-five classrooms and supports families to choose quality programming across different program types. VQB5 sets shared expectations for measuring quality and supporting teachers for all birth to five programs. Through VQB5, teachers and leaders will receive the feedback and support they need to help young children learn.

VQB5 Information


The LinkB5 data portal is a website that connects communities of child care and education providers serving children ages birth to five. The goal is to help communities collect information about their unique early childhood resources.

VA Dept. of Education LinkB5 Resources

Virginia Department of Education Curriculum

Approved Curriculum for 0-5
Early Childhood Curriculum Information
Approved Curriculum List

Ready to Request STREAMin3?
If you are a publicly funded birth-to-five program in Virginia that has decided to use STREAMin3, get started here by entering your request here.

New Early Learning Standards (PDF download)


Class Observations

Classroom Assessment Scoring System® (CLASS), the leading quality improvement
system for teaching, helps you focus, measure and improve classroom interactions.

About Teachstone CLASS

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